Melanie Madden
Rogue Valley Financial
Financial Consultant
541-621-8219 — www.roguevalleyfinancial.com — melaniemadden@ffig.com
As a financial advisor who sits down and listens to what your goals and needs are, Melanie helps you invest in your future while staying true to yourself. Planning for a secure future can be a little bit like hiking down an unfamiliar path. It helps to have a compass to point you in the right direction. It is even better to have a trail guide who knows the way, who can help you along the way. Life moves fast which means your needs can change just as quickly. No matter where you are, Melanie can help you get from “here to there” simply, safely, and effectively through client strategies designed to meet the needs at every stage of your life. Visit her website for more information about the services she provides. I’m a happy client myself!

Jeffrey Nagel
NW Real Estate Group at John L. Scott
Real Estate Broker
541-414-7903 — www.nwrogue.com — jnagel@nwrogue.com
Jeffrey Nagel and his wife Robynne Whitaker form the NW Group power team at John L. Scott Real Estate. They consistently win awards for their production, but more importantly they get rave reviews for their customer service. Jeffrey is always happy to make time for my clients to discuss the real estate portion of their trust or estate. He provides great insights and professional advice to help people manage their real estate. If a purchase or sale is appropriate for the client, Jeffrey handles all the details with calm professionalism. I love that he always puts my clients needs first!

Cindy Peterman
Peterman Insurance Services
Health Insurance, Medicare, Long-Term Care
petermaninsurance.com — cindy@petermaninsurance.com
Cindy is an independent insurance agent specializing in Health insurance, Medicare plans, and Long-Term Care insurance for people in Oregon, Washington & California. She is also a part-time long-term care nurse, so she has in-depth knowledge and experience as well as a unique perspective when it comes to choosing the best health and long-term care insurance for your situation.